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For all I know this too is a part of my dream, a dream called the IDEAL LIFE. Throughout the day I see innumerable successful and content people. I wonder whether there is something that I should be looking forward to in my journey towards satisfaction. Asking myself the same question every day, “What am I passionate about?” Over the many years of my existence, experience told me, for most inhabitants of Earth passion is of utmost importance and the will to go through with achieving what you desire is what being focused is.

Now, I ask a very simple question. What if my passion lies not in my heart and mind but my eyes for a different, unusual object? I may not be passionate about machines as an engineer is, or in the history of unbelievable sculptures like a historian or an artist. I say I am passionate about more than one thing, I want to learn something new every day because I have a will to pursue everything possible in one lifetime. No one knows when you may die, so why not try to fulfill your desires when you’re alive.

Right now, I’m away from home doing something I love, giving up on the fun that my friends keep reminding me of. Sure, I want to relax and enjoy as well, but then can’t do them all together right? I understood whatever I want to do, I got to do it right, and the only way to do it is be focused on that task. What’s the point of doing everything if you can’t do it with absolute satisfaction?

You may be passionately curious, but ultimately you encounter that “ONE THING” which satisfies this hunger of trying new things. It may take some time, but the curiousness does pay off. It’s never too late to keep trying. Being curious is what will help achieve your passion and for that, you must be passionate about your curiosity.


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